Monday, September 3, 2012

Florence + The Machine Spectrum Inspired Makeup Tutorial

2 Tutorials in a week!? Told you I wasn't being lazy during my hiatus :D
First disclaimer: Yes, my hair is nuts in this video. I really wanted to have long hair for this look and had some red clip in extensions that I haven't used in a while that I knew would work. The only problem?  I recently colored my hair more of a copper/auburn red and I had dyed the extensions the deep red I used to have.
The outcome? Serious multi-tone, goooofy looking hair, but for the purposes of this video, I think it worked well enough :) Also, I wasn't in the mood to cut my bangs (Trying to grow them out!) So pardon the hair in the face!
ANYWAY, back to the video! I'm a huge fan of all Florence + The Machine music videos but I've been wanting to do this one for a while. The music video is glamorous, over the top and has.glitter.everywhere! That's usually an instant win for me. I'll stop my blabbering here... Enjoy the video!

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