Friday, May 30, 2014

It's a GIRL!!! (and other news)

Once again, I return from an extremely long hiatus. Many things have been up, but first and foremost, the biggest news of all, I'm having a baby girl!!!!!!!!! We actually found out the sex about 6 weeks ago, but my computer's been out of commission for most of that time so I haven't been able to update.

We paid to go to an imaging place at 16.5 weeks and I was pleased as punch to find out we were going to be having a girl. We've had 2 more ultrasounds since then and she's still a girl haha (I only emphasize this because I honestly had a nightmare of the birth and being handed a boy...silly I know, but I apparently REALLY want a girl...)

I've got my computer back up and running, and am now able to show off a few of the other things that have changed in the last 2 months! I got a new camera and sold my old one. I finally caved and bought a Canon Rebel T3i after a bidding war on ebay. WIN!

I ALSO had a short stint as a blonde in that time. Mid April I was desperate for a change and went about going blonde. Overall it went well and what I did caused minimal damage to my hair, surprising considering I ended up bleaching and toning it twice. More on that later.

Being me though, as soon as my roots started coming in, I was over it. I knew there was no way I could deal with touch ups especially while pregnant and my hair is growing insane fast, so I'm back to being a ginger. I also cut my hair in to a bob for summer. Turns out being preggers makes you hot as HELL, so I knew the last thing I needed was my thick hair long against my neck all summer.


Super fancy pics taken of my blonde self with my new camera. I'll take some of my ginger ninja hair soon. It's brighter than before since I had to color over the bleach but overall I love it!

That's all I have for now... I'm sure plenty of other things have happened but that's all I can deal with going over for now. 

Until next time!!
